6 Personal Care Products to Steal from Your Kids
October 02, 2018 | Food Lion

Here's a question: Do you need to stock up on double the amount of personal care products and toiletries, buying separately for the kids and adults in the family? Apparently, kid-friendly toiletries are great for Mom and Dad, too. At least according to the experts we spoke to. Now, all you have to do is get the youngins to share the following products.
"The biggest beauty product to borrow from your children is sunscreen — the best anti-aging technology we have to date," says Vicky Sullivan, founder of Aspiring Socialite, a fashion and lifestyle blog. "And I'm not talking about just using it on the beach. You should apply sunscreen to your face and hands every morning, too."
Gina Layland, spa manager at Pechanga Resort & Casino, likes babies' sunscreen because it typically has fewer additives and is gentle enough to use every day on your entire body — even your face!
Baby Oil
Dr. Kathy Taghipour is the dermatologist for Savana Urban Spa in Notting Hill and says that baby oil which "contains 98 percent mineral oil and 2 percent fragrance" is great for moisturizing and cleansing the skin of babies and grownups alike. And it works beautifully as an eye-makeup remover.
"The mineral oil won't clog pores," says Dr. Taghipour. "It's also an inert substance, so it's not going to react when it comes into contact with any other product you're using."
"Baby shampoo often incorporates amphoteric detergents as their surfactants to minimize stinging if the product should get into the eyes and because they foam up well," says dermatologist Fayne L. Frey, who is an expert on skincare formulation and skincare product ingredients.
Why shouldn't you benefit from those features, too? Baby and kid-friendly shampoos range from completely natural and unscented to brightly colored and infused with luscious scents like blueberry and bubblegum!
Cleaning baby bottoms is just one of many things wipes can do. Utilize these to clean up a sticky food court table or a germy shopping cart handle. Or use them in a pinch to remove makeup or sweat.
Alison Mitzner, an MD with a specialty in pediatrics, uses alcohol-free sanitizing wipes. "My hands no longer dry out from wipes in the winter time, and I love that they don't smell. They're great for kids, pregnant soon-to-be moms, or anyone!"
As a mom of two and founder of Satsuma Designs LLC, Jennifer Porter is surrounded by lotions and potions that are specially formulated for delicate skin. "But it's not just skin products I like to experiment with," she says. "Some of my favorite hair products come from the kids' aisle."
Porter uses "delicious smelling" hair detangler as a leave-in conditioner and says, "I love the beach hair flair I get when I 'borrow' from the kids."
Baby Powder
This nursery staple has been around for generations. Boost the power of your deodorant with a sprinkle of baby powder. Prevent chafing from workout clothes. Or use a tiny bit as a dry shampoo on your greasy hair.
Just remember to use a talc-free baby powder for intimate areas!
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