MVP Success Stories: How These Food Lion Shoppers Earned Impressive Savings

February 20, 2020 | Food Lion
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Whether you have a family of two or a family of six (or more), saving on groceries is important. We get that, and with our “Priced Low Every Day” and “HotSale!” deals, MVP pricing and Shop & Earn rewards, we make it easy to save in our stores. But, you don’t have to take our word for it.

At the beginning of this year, we asked you - our customers - to tell us how much you were able to save in 2019. And wow, were we impressed! In fact, here are three top MVP savers that saved anywhere from $500 to over $5000 last year. Mind-blowing, right? Let’s hear more from these shoppers and get the inside scoop with tips that could help you save more at Food Lion too! 

Brittany, NC - Family of 2

Brittany started shopping at Food Lion 20 years ago with her parents as a kid, but in 2019, she was able to save about $500 for her household of two (plus four pets). Way to go, Brittany!

Q. How many times per week do you shop?

I usually shop two to three times per week, typically after work. 

Q. On which item(s) do you see the biggest savings?

Cleaning products for sure, especially with the coupons. I’ve seen coupons for cleaning products a lot in the Food Lion app. 

Q. Any tips or tricks for others looking to save more at Food Lion?

It’s simple - make sure you check your Shop & Earn every month! 

MVP Success Stories | Fresh Ideas | Food Lion

Shannon, VA - Family of 6

Shannon has been a dedicated Food Lion shopper for 25 years. And in the last couple of years, she set savings goals - and surpassed them! In 2018, she saved $2500. In 2019, over $3500 in savings! And for 2020, she aims to save $3800. Best of luck, Shannon! 

Q. Why do you enjoy shopping at your local Food Lion?

I enjoy shopping at my Woodstock store because I know most of the associates. They’re all very friendly and it’s a necessity that I save money when shopping. Plus, I know that if I ever need any help, like if something isn’t on the shelf or if I request rain checks, they go above and beyond to help in any way possible. I love my Food Lion!

Q. How many times a week do you shop?

I shop three to five times a week at Food Lion. It truly is where I do almost all of my household & grocery shopping. 

Q. Any tips or tricks for other looking to save more at Food Lion?

My tip would be the Food Lion app is amazing! I also clip paper coupons and download (digital) coupons daily on my app. Plus, I stock up on BOGO sales, “buy 2, get 1 free” sales and “buy 5 save $5” deals.

Q. What did you do with the $3500 saved?

I spent it at Food Lion! It takes a lot to feed my family. 

MVP Success Stories | Fresh Ideas | Food Lion

Keisha, NC - Family of 6

Keisha has been shopping at Food Lion for almost 30 years! How impressive is that? How about the fact that she saved over $5000 in 2019? Even more impressive! Here’s an inside look at how she did it. .

Q. Why do you enjoy shopping at your local Food Lion?

I enjoy shopping at my Wendell store because everyone is so friendly. 

Q. On which item(s) do you see the biggest savigns?

I see the biggest savings with breakfast, snacks and frozen items. 

Q. What are your favorite items to purchase with us?

My favorite items to buy at Food Lion are fruits and veggies

MVP Success Stories | Fresh Ideas | Food Lion

Q. Any tips or tricks for others looking to save more at Food Lion?

Stock up on sale items! I also use to look for coupons and other savings. 

Q. What did you do with the $5000 saved?

When I save, it goes towards a little of everything - like going to dinner, a movie or any entertainment for my children. 

Share Your Savings Too!

Brittany, Shannon and Keisha were just a few of the MVP shoppers that saw fantastic savings in 2019. Do you have an amazing story to share as well? Visit our “Share Your Savings” page and let us know how you saved on your grocery bill and got more for your money. We’d love to hear from you! 


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