Grilled Goat Cheese Burger

May 02, 2019 By: Comments
Tagged: Beef Beef. Cheese Cheese. Summer Dinner Summer Dinner. Quick & Easy Quick & Easy. Entrees Entrees. Quick Dinner Quick Dinner. Grilled Grilled. Burgers Burgers. Comfort Foods Comfort Foods.
5 minutes
12 minutes
This is a nice variation of a cheese burger. This grilled goat cheese burger is so delicious and flavorful you won't even need mustard!


Select ingredients:


  1. Combine ground beef, cheese, salt and pepper in a mixing bowl. Mix thoroughly. Hands are the best tool!
  2. Form 6 patties that are about 1/3 lb. each.
  3. Place on hot grill. After 4-6 minutes, flip and cook for another 4-6 minutes or until cooked.
  4. Brush melted butter on inside of rolls and place on grill until lightly toasted.
  5. Top the burger with sun-dried tomatoes.


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