Ginger-Citrus Grilled Salmon

November 16, 2016 By: Comments
Tagged: Healthy Healthy. Seafood Dinners Seafood Dinners. Dinner Dinner. Fish Fish. Dinner Dinner. Main Dishes Main Dishes. Seafood Seafood. Christmas Christmas. Garlic Garlic. Healthy Dinner Healthy Dinner. Lenten Recipes Lenten Recipes. Christmas Christmas. Christmas Main Dishes Christmas Main Dishes. Salmon Dinners Salmon Dinners. Salmon Salmon. Grilled Grilled. Easter Easter. Under the Sea Under the Sea. Grapefruit Grapefruit. Food Lion Food Lion. Sugar Sugar. Christmas Christmas. Baked Baked.
30 minutes
20 minutes
NOTE: Buy wild-caught salmon if possible. Frozen is fine – in fact, frozen ocean fish is often “fresher than fresh” because it’s frozen at sea rather than transported for a day or three before it reaches the market. Do thaw the salmon before making this, though, if you bought it frozen. If you can’t find a large filet, you can use several salmon steaks instead. This recipe is also delicious with steelhead or halibut, and can be grilled over charcoal instead of baked.


Select ingredients:


  1. In a large non-metal dish, arrange the salmon and cover with the sesame-ginger dressing (you may need more dressing, depending on the size of your salmon). Top with minced garlic, ginger, and fresh-ground black pepper. Let the salmon marinate for 15-30 minutes before baking.
  2. Preheat oven to 350º (or heat your grill) and move the salmon to a heavy skillet or baking pan. Slice the grapefruit into rounds, arrange it over the salmon, and drizzle it with a spoonful of the marinade. Sprinkle with brown sugar. Bake till just done and no longer – any fish filet will take about 10 minutes per inch thick; e.g. 20 minutes for 2-inch-thick filets. When the fish flakes apart and looks opaque and no longer translucent, it’s done.