Chocolate Avocado Pudding

December 28, 2018 By: Comments
Tagged: Nature's Place Nature's Place. Avocado Avocado. Our Brands Our Brands. Chocolate Chocolate. Desserts Desserts. Desserts Desserts. Guiding Stars Guiding Stars. Vanilla Vanilla. Cinnamon Cinnamon. Healthy Snacks Healthy Snacks. Nature's Place Nature's Place. Pudding Pudding. Quick & Easy Quick & Easy. Easy Easy. Almond Butter Almond Butter. Desserts Desserts. Healthy Snacks Healthy Snacks. Trusted Brands Trusted Brands.
10 minutes
Indulge in chocolate pudding made with the surprising yet delicious addition of avocado. Guiding Stars gives 2 stars to this rich and creamy dessert, perfect for any occasion.


Select ingredients:
2 Stars - Better, Guiding Stars, Nutritious choices made simple, three gold stars over a green apple labeled better 2 Stars - Better, Guiding Stars, Nutritious choices made simple, three gold stars over a green apple labeled better


  1. Add all of the ingredients to a food processor. Process until smooth throughout.
  2. Add pudding to bowls and enjoy.